[G4] Motorola Wireless WPCI810G will not connect

Jim Pacyga jim.pacyga at earthlink.net
Thu Oct 28 18:03:11 PDT 2004

Is your access point public or private (i.e., do you broadcast your 
SSID?)  If you don't, it is possible that newer airport software just 
won't find it (even when you give it the name).

If you have it private, make it public, restart the access point, then 
try to connect to it.  That should work afterwards you can reset the 
access point to being private.


On 28 Oct 2004, at 14:03, C. Russell wrote:

> I installed a Motorola WPCI810G wireless card in my G4/400 704 MB Ram 
> OS 10.2.8. Accelerate Your Mac.com  
> (http://www.xlr8yourmac.com/tips/MS_MN-730_airportMods.html) had an 
> article on the card. The author installed and worked on plug and Play, 
> however it did not do the same for me. NetStumbler and the Airport 
> software show it working, however can  not make connection the the 
> internet. I have a Win PC OS 2K with a card in it and it works fine. I 
> tried changing channels on the wireless router (Linksys WRT54G) and it 
> did nnot make a difference. I set software for automatic fine on 
> Server and DCHP. The Card is listed as being compatible with Mac on OS 
> 10.2.8.and 10.3
> Has anyone on e the list used this card successfully. Would appreciate 
> any  suggestions that might help in getting it working
> Russell
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