Hello All, I was having problems putting a PGI wireless card also, and ran across some very valuable information. First, I learned Only PC cards using the Broadcom chipset will work with the native Apple Airport software. I found the Belkins to work fine and cheap $25 (Regardless of the idiot's at Fry's who insisted I need to buy the "plain white boxed card" for $99 because it's the only Apple compatible one they sell). I also used a PCMCIA Belken in my PB, works fine. Here is a link to a comprehensive list of manufacturers and which chipsets are in their cards. http://www.home.earthlink.net/~metaphyzx/Wireless.htm The other useful advice I have is always purchase anything with full 24/7 phone support. (free in belkins case). It came in handy, And the D-Link (I believe) print server didn't want to play nice, but I had to wait until monday to call them during regular business hours. MacinTouch and xlr8yourmac have a lot of info available for older G4's Hope this helps Michael Marciniak