Has anyone upgraded the hard-drive on an eMac? I don't even know if its possible. I have Power PC G4 (3.3) 1GHz 1GB SDRAM with 60GB hard drive partitioned 40/20 (OS X/OS 9.2) I keep needing more RAM and artwork is eating up space. I keep eyeing that wasted space for '9', now with InDesign on 'X' I've abandoned Quark back in '9' and I suspect the cobwebs will just grow back there. In 11 months I've not had a single need for '9'. Pinching the drive space for 'X' seems logical, but also much hassle, if I have to go to that much trouble would I profitably install a bigger hard drive at that time? Possible? Worthwhile? Dollars are short, so is it economical? What are the limits? Regards, Tony.