[G4] Disaappearing HD

RobertCBuitron rcbuitron at speakeasy.net
Fri Apr 22 09:52:28 PDT 2005

I figured out the problem after going to Maxtor's and Apple's web site. 
I needed to use the "partition" operation in Disk Utility rather than 
"erase", even though I had no intention of partitioning the HD. I also 
set the HD to master. Once I did this the HD has remained stable and has 
not disappeared.

Thank you to those who responded to my question.


Loren Smedberg wrote:

> How can I stabilize this HD?  Could it be the kind of cable
> connecting HD to the ACard. I received two cables with the Maxtor
> HDs and I received a cable with the ACard. I used one Maxtor and one 
> from ACard due to HD placement and lengths of the cables. Could this
> be the source of the problem?
> Thanks,Rob
> I just installed a Maxtor 120 in my QS 2001(yesterday)  everything is 
> working great. From what I read you want to set the jumpers to cable 
> select (on my computer version on up)  Also I thought that I read 
> something about not using the Maxtor Cable if your on a Mac. I noticed 
> that the cable on my existing HD had a little hole punched thru on of 
> the wires on the cable , apparently one of the pins on the hard drive 
> isn't intended for us on Macs. Good luck.
> Loren
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