[G4] More: Update on Serial ATA PCI Card for G4

Richard M. Kriss rmkriss at sbcglobal.net
Thu Aug 4 05:21:34 PDT 2005


I was experiencing the 'bug' you noted and the way I finally got my 10.4.2
system to recognize the new drive was just as you said.  I suspected a bad
drive and took it to a friend with an external firewire enclosure. The drive
showed up on his G5 desktop and he 'Partitioned' the new drive.  I then
screwed up by using Erase when I got home and the profiler's inventory was
hosed.  I finally started over by using the Disk Utilit Partition option and
everything is working now. However, the new SATA drive shows up in the
profiler's ATA area rather than being attached to the Serial-ATA/PCI card in
the PCI profiler section.  I agree with you there may be a bug in the Tiger

Anyone know if Apple has a Tech Note on this topic?


> Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2005 15:04:00 -0700
> From: Sean Collins <sean at hogheaven.com>
> Subject: [G4] Re: Update on Serial ATA PCI Card for G4 (It Lives!)
> To: g4 at listserver.themacintoshguy.com
>> I did not expect to see the SATA drive under the S-ATA option but did expect
>> to see it displayed in the Profiler PCI option.  The SIIG card shows up but
>> does not show the attached SATA drive.
>> This could be a bug somewhere. Anyone else using a Serial ATA/PCI card that
>> can check their System Profile?
> This is a known bug in Tiger, including the latest 10.4.2 update.
> System Profiler in Panther (10.3.x) shows my FirmTek SATA card  under
> "PCI/AGP", and the WD disk drive attached to it shows up under "ATA".
> System Profiler in Tiger only sees the PCI card.  There is no info
> about the drive itself, either under "ATA" or "Serial-ATA", although
> it works fine.
> Since disk utility depends on the same hardware detection mechanism
> as system profiler, it's a good guess that Tiger cannot initialize a
> new drive connected to a 3rd party SATA card.  Once initialized on
> another machine, or earlier OS, Tigers filesystem can at least
> utilize it.
> Sean

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