[G4] Mighty Mouse... or not

Shawn King shawn at yourmaclife.com
Thu Aug 4 22:26:47 PDT 2005

On 8/4/05 11:14 PM, "Ernest Vincent Pons-Worley" <eponsworley at mac.com>

> And why Apple  
> didn't make this in a Bluetooth version beats me.

>From a business/moneymaking standpoint, it doesn't make sense.

Apple knows they can sell several hundred thousand of these mice to "Mac
Fanatics" right now. Why not get $50 out of each of them first and then, 10
months down the road, bring out a Bluetooth version and get $50 out of them

> Maybe one's coming.

It is. It's already been built. It sits in Apple's labs, just waiting for
the right time to be released.

And that right time will be when this new mouse's sales start lagging.

Shawn King
Host/Executive Producer
Your Mac Life

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