[G4] More on Mighty Mouse

Ernest Vincent Pons-Worley eponsworley at mac.com
Fri Aug 5 21:07:55 PDT 2005

I'll share the good part first: I read the funniest thing in a review  
of the Mighty Mouse today that had me laughing in spasms like an  
idiot for an hour.  People at work had to come over and tell me I was  
having too much fun and would I please shut up so that they could get  
back to work. The review was in engadget.  It's no. 6, Dave.  I'll  
let you read it for yourself:


Two days now of using the MM and reprogramming my neural pathways.  I  
now "get" that you use it as a single button mouse like you would the  
Apple Pro mouse most of the time and just move your hand slightly  
differently when you want the right click.  The side squeeze button  
requires way too much pressure to be ergonomically right for me save  
for occasional use.  It keeps you from accidentally doing the  
squeeze, but for someone like me who's on the computer seven days a  
week most of my waking hours my hands hurt at seemingly insignificant  
force levels, so I won't be using the squeeze buttons much.  You have  
to actually move your hand and hold the mouse in a totally different  
way to use the squeeze buttons and the scroll bead.  If the squeeze  
buttons were just a little bit farther forward it would be an awesome  
feature instead of a "Stop: I will now use the squeeze buttons"  
feature.  But it's the scroll bead that I find most annoying.  With a  
real scroll wheel I don't have to move my hand.  With this I have to  
use the tip of my index finger.  I have a conspiracy theory that the  
MM was designed by a woman.

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