You can easily put your iTunes music on another hard drive to save space on your boot drive. I recommend that you make sure your iTunes music is backed up before you do this in case you erase the wrong file by mistake. First, exit iTunes (the application shouldn't be running when you do this procedure). Open two finder windows and select the boot drive in which you have your current music folder in one window and the drive where you want to store your music on the other. Drag your music folder from the window of the boot drive to the window of the new drive. All the music will copy over. This may take a while if you have a lot of music. Once it's copied, open the music folder and open the iTunes folder on the window of the boot drive. Delete the iTunes Music folder. (It's backed up, right?) Empty the trash. Go to the window of the new drive, open the music folder and open the iTunes folder then make an alias of the iTunes Music folder. Drag the alias to where the iTunes Music folder was that you deleted on the other window. Rename the alias iTunes Music (just get rid of the word "alias" in the file name). When you launch iTunes again it'll see the music in the library just like before but it's actually getting the music off the new drive. Of course, if you're using an external drive, it has to be mounted before you launch iTunes or it won't find the music.