[G4] Need "handholding", cont'd.

John Baltutis baltwo at san.rr.com
Wed Dec 28 14:11:33 PST 2005

On Dec 28, 2005, at 8:30 AM, Sy wrote:
> I'm using System 9.1 so you're saying I MUST upgrade
> to 9.2.2 first?

No. According to Apple, "The Classic environment requires at least Mac OS 9.1,
but it's agood idea to use Mac OS 9.2 or later." The updates are free and
available at <http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=75288>.
Personally, I'd update.

> I'm not clear about this "Classic" stuff.  When you
> have OSX is "Classic" within OSX  or is it still it's
> own autonomous OS?  Also, is partitioning a
> requirement as you suggested?

Classic is an OS X application that mimics running OS 9.1 or later while
running under OS X. It uses most, but not all components found in a normal OS
9.1+ installation. For example, some control panels don't work in classic. So,
in your case you would select the current system folder from your OS 9.1
installation as your Classic. Then, when booted into OS X, it will use the
appropriate pieces to run the classic environment application. When booted into
OS 9, it doesn't know anything about OS X except to see its stuff as files.

Partitioning isn't mandatory. However, I like it because it keeps the two
operating systems separated, but that's not a requirement.

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