>the problem is that you can only connect one ethernet device >directly to the DSL modem at a time and the modem uses the MAC >address of the device to confirm mthe correct device is connected. > >Thee only way to have multiple ethernet devices connec ted to a DSL >or Cable Modem is to use a Router switch that allows for DNS on the >private side of the connection. You attach the DSL Modem to the >Router Switch and then connect the 2 devices to the 4 port ethernet >switch that is part of the Router Switch. They cost about $50. > >I have done this with Verision ISDN, Verision DSL, and Comcast cable >using both Masence Xrouters and the asante Friendly net routers. > Richard, Thank you for the specific information. It makes sense in explaining this problem, but another friend has a similar setup (one computer, ethernet printer, ethernet hub, ethernet DSL modem) and they are able to make it work. Their hub is an old cast off; their DSL ISP is ATT. I need to get their modem's manufacturer. Is it necessary to have the DSL modem assume the computer's address? I do not have DSL yet but will be using an Airport Extreme and am paying close attention to all of this. Thanks DaleH