I have a Quick Silver '02 dual 1gig, currently at 867 due to a dead processor. I recently had some issues with the drives not spinning up. My constant on/off/pram resets pretty much finished the logic board as well. First I sent the PS to a Mac repairer for the "free" diagnoses. I was told the PS was fine so then I sent in the logic board and after calling them they said the board was dead and it couldn't be repaired. OK so of course they could replace the board so I did that. A few days later I reassembled my QS and it booted and ran fine, much to my relief. After about 5-6 hrs the drives again spun down. Being careful only to do ONE pram reset I proceeded to change cables, change drives, try one at a time. nothing worked. All those drives spun up fine in my one firewire enclosure. A check of the voltages at the plugs showed 4.75v and 9.6v respectively. I tried this with drives connected and disconnected. Curiously enough my internal CDRW runs fine while my hard drives will not spin at all when connected to the PS. Although they work fine in the Firewire. I own a lot of Macs starting with a Color Classic II and had no problems like this occur. This is my first G4 and all this trouble is driving me back towards a PC. Oh I also checked the battery and it was at 1.2v so it got replaced first thing. Has this happened to anyone else? I figure I am looking at a new PS. Or could the new board have failed like the original? Your thoughts will be greatly appreciated Joel