I am looking to get into mastering DVD's for a friend of mine of a TV series he and his wife did. Where do I get started? I will be able to get the broadcast master VHS tapes, but what software do I need to do this? What sort of cash outlay am I looking at? I produce a radio program now, and am looking at picking up another soon, but DVD's are something I have had very little to do with. Myu goal is not a home looking DVD, but yet a professional quality DVD. My machine is a Sawtooth G4/450 MHz, 896 MB ram, and a half a dozen HD's. Do I need to do any upgrades to make it possible or will I be successful with what I have, just a little slow? How much storage space do I need? What sort of resolution is typical? What hardware to digitize the video/audio? I have an Audiowerk2 sound card now which is a decent card. Thanks! Thomas Martin --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>> INTERNET ACCESS FOR A LOW AS $9.90 PER MONTH AT PENINSULA SYSTEMS <<<<<<<<<< Peninsula Systems, http://www.pensys.com offers FREE for LIFE access accounts for the immediate families of those men and women called to active duty in Iraq or Afghanistan.