On 2 Jun, 2005, at 6:42, Dennis B. Swaney wrote: So, Ron, you say that the developers should standardize on Windows OS and ignore the pesky, miniscule Mac market that seems to do nothing but complain? ;) No. what I do suggest is that is appears to me that fewer and fewer developers are creating hybrid programs because they see more of a profit in the WhineDoze area and that is what their bottom line is all about. It seems that I do not find hybrid programs as frequently as in the past and that support for Mac owners is dropping despite the ease, stability, and performance of the Mac when compared fairly with equivalent PC boxes. I feel that Apple has dropped the ball big time when it comes to their advertising program. There are dozens of PC ads on the tube and in magazines and newspapers, but mighty few Apple ads. Even when Apple does buy some advertising space, their ads hardly ever speak about the abilities of the machines, but they do frequently show the iPod and music with dancing figures. It isn't about how you listen to music, but about how easy it is to keep your computer running smoothly and free from viruses (virii?) and spyware and how much more productive a Mac can be. This feature (word borrowed without sincerity from MS advertising) is hardly ever mentioned by Apple in ads. End of rant.