On 20/6/2005 8:12 AM, "Crazy Miz B" <paula at crazedcowboys.com> wrote: > How many emails do some of you heavy-hitters work with a day? I'm no heavy hitter, but I get about 2 dozen e-mails a day, and at least 2 Spams daily, about 75% of which are lottery winning notes or Nigerian Generals.. I rarely accidentally open one before delete, but I often think the Mac needs a delete key that opens the spam then deletes the sender. I'd happily keep the Spam, then, as a trade. > I often wonder what kind of work you folks do. I had thought of myself as a starve in a garret type artist, but since in another posting you elevated me to St Tony, I am considering all the profits to be made in religious type business. All I need to do is make a miracle. Hmm... Lets see...conquering Hollywood with a film company that has toys for stars, making a virus free computer, leading the faithful into the wilderness of Intel...darn, some one else seems to have the miracle business sewn up...although there is one thing left to do. Make an application that everyone is happy with! ...come to think of it, Adobe did that. > Paula > aka Miz B > > http://crazedcowboys.com > http://mizbsporch.com > --- > Go ahead and bring on the crazies, folks....We do every day.