Here's my understanding, but I could be incorrect. You need a SATA contoller. You can buy one as a PCI card. You also may need both the serial connector (maybe that's the "patch" cord that you received) plus a SATA power connector (or, was that the patch cord that you received?). I just finished a job configuring a PC with SATA drives for a friend, and there are special SATA connectors on the mother board into which the SATA cables plugged. I would guess that you get similar connectors on the PCI card. Look for the cards at (SATA PCI card). --Steve At 2:26 PM +0100 6/20/05, Peter wrote: >A friend is upgrading the HD on his G5 and has offered my the old SATA drive for my G4. Meantime, he has given me a patch lead (which he says is connected to a power supply) with a SATA drive connection. He assures me it should be plug and play but, I'm not so sure. Any advice?