[G4] .Mail App

Steve Goldstein sng at cox.net
Mon Jun 20 07:54:37 PDT 2005

"Individual messages" are each handled as separate files, with the minimum file size as dictated by your disk partitioning parameters.  Another method, is to concatenate messages into one big, and growing, file, separating each message from its neighbors with code such as four CTRL-A's ( I seem to recall that code from way back in my Unix days).  That was the big difference in thopse days between MH Mail (individual files for each message) vs. Unix mail (concatenated messages).  Concatenated messages save disk space.  That was important before disks became so big and so cheap.  Less of a consideration now.  Performance would be a greater consideration, and I am not sure which method would perform better.


At 10:33 AM -0400 6/20/05, shopdog wrote:
>Tiger Mail handled individual messages, I guess as opposed to groups of messages?

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