[G4] Can I update my OS with this?

Al Poulin alpoulin at cox.net
Sun Mar 6 08:17:35 PST 2005

You mean going to 10.2.8, not 9.2.8, right?  Looks good to me.   
Consider the install options carefully.  You did not say what OS you  
have on your G4 now.  If it is some version of OS 8 or 9, David Pogue's  
book Mac OS X The Missing Manual (for Jaguar) will be very helpful for  
both the installation and use of OS X.  If you already run OS X,  
consider doing a clean install, or what in 10.3 Panther is called  
Archive and Install.  I do not know whether the OS 10.2 uses that  

Be aware that you will need to download the free update(s) from 10.2 to  
10.2.8 from Apple's web site.  That's a big one at 97MB.


The alternative is to download a number of smaller, incremental updates.

Al Poulin
Anger, hate, and revenge are for the devil, forgiveness is for God,  
proactive self-defense is for the rest of us.

On Mar 6, 2005, at 8:10 AM, Ascender wrote:

> Hello all
> I have a G4 PowerMac and am trying to update my Operating System to  
> 9.2.8.
> I only want to update this far as my other software would need to be  
> updated
> beyond that and I can't afford it at this time.
> I ordered software from OperatorHeadGap.com   The installation discs  
> say
> 'eMac Mac OS; Install 1 and 2'.  Can I install these discs or did I  
> order
> the wrong thing?
> This is the product I ordered:
> http://stn2.headgap.com/resale/FMPro?-token=12941577&- 
> db=ProductsC.fp3&-lay=
> WEB&-format=items.htm&-sortfield=SortID&-Max=40&category=software&-find
> Says "eMac" on the label:
> (pasted) Mac OSX 10.2 Jaguar CD's ONLY w/FREE OSX Kitchen Sink CD 2  
> Disks,
> free updates - New - Lower $39.77 Includes your shipping! Apple OS X  
> 10.2
> 'Jaguar' CD Set/License Only. Complete 2 Disc 10.2 installation Set.  
> The
> Apple OS 10.2 CD set supports installation on any Apple model that OS  
> X is
> supported. This set includes the Mac OS X 10.2 OEM "GRAY" install CDs  
> ONLY -
> no box is included. Factory sealed DISKS ONLY. FREE OSX Kitchen Sink  
> CD - 2
> CD Set ($14.77 value). Free updates to 10.2.8 on appropriately equipped
> systems. Opened software is not returnable. You get all 4 CD's for a  
> Bargain
> Was $49.77 NOW $39.77 and we include FREE domestic shipping! (end of  
> paste)

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