[G4] Remote Desktop Question

David DelMonte ddelmonte at mac.com
Sun Mar 13 15:19:15 PST 2005

Daniel, Chris, thanks for your replies. I think I'm missing some 
details here.

I've been tearing hair out most of the day over this.

Can you please enlighten me some more.

Tell me exactly what to set up on the server computer (which menus and 
selections), and the same for the client side.



ps. I have taken out an account at noip.com but that wont be active for 
a while.

On Mar 12, 2005, at 6:28 PM, Daniel Brieck Jr. wrote:

> It all depends on how the clients  router / firewall connects to the 
> internet?
> 1 First you have to find out what port Remote Desktop uses?
> For example VNC uses port 5900....
> 2. You have to configure port routing on the clients  firewall.
> Focus on the client side........
> So the clients DHCP address is for example, that means 
> nothing to you on a remote and separate network.
> But what you want to do is route traffic on port 5900 to that IP 
> address on the clients local network( route port 5900 to this IP 
> This will require configuration of the router to do this...
> 3. So what you have to do is find out what IP address  the router has? 
> On the client computer go to a site like http://www.whatismyip.com/   
> get the remote computers IP address that it is connecting to the 
> internet with. Say it is
> That IP may be dynamic DHCP as well from the ISP. It will change and 
> you will have to find out what it is over time? But it should stay the 
> same for enough time to do / try what you want to do.
> ---more permanent solution for connecting to the client system---
> {{{Look up Dynamic DNS  in Google for more information this... This 
> will basically allow you to give your computer a name like apple.com 
> and it is free....
> Quick Read ME about  DNS http://www.technopagan.org/dynamic/
> }}}
> 4.   on the client end you should give the computer you want to access 
> a static DHCP address, say you make it the old stand by 
> 5. on the server computer you type the IP of the router something like 
> and that should allow you to connect to the remote 
> computer as if it were local.
> let me know if this is of any help...
> Dan Brieck Jr.
> On Mar 12, 2005, at 9:35 AM, David DelMonte wrote:
>> Does anyone know if it's possible to use remote desktop (2.x) over 
>> the internet - connecting two computers that are on different lans 
>> and that use DHCP to get IP addresses?
>> If so, can you please give me detailed instructions on how to set up 
>> both clients and the server.

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