> Is this what a failing keyboard might look like? > Yes, it is one of the symptoms that a failing keyboard exhibits. Have > you any access to another USB board, even if it is from a PC? It > should work with your Mac even if it doesn't have the right markings > on the keys. Ron- Thanks - I suspected as much, but I haven't seen any discussion of keyboards wearing out. Only what happens when you spill your favorite beverage on one. > Another item to check is the key delay and repeat rate that you have > set in the keyboard preference setting. You may have the delay set to > an interval that is too short and the repeat rate set to a high speed > and holding the key for more than a NY second could be causing the > doubling. I wish I had access to a substitute I could swap in to test. I'd tossed the original Apple keyboard a couple of years ago never thinking that *I* could actually make good use of it one day. Personally the only Apple keyboards I have found useful were the mechanical ones on the Apple II and Apple II+. Thanks for the info on Mac vs PC keyboard. I was never sure what the difference was between the two. I've played with the keyboard preferences before but to no beneficial effect. I figure that if that was the issue I'd be seeing repeats on at least one other key (besides the caps lock). Guess I'm gonna start looking for a keyboard replacement. Thanks, John