HELP!!!! My 16 and 18 year old sons share a Mirrored Doors (second generation) dual 1.25 GHz G4. Tonight, one of them called to me from his computer and said "what happened to the internet?" I wandered over and discovered that the RJ45 receptacle for the ethernet cable was loose in its housing. The "Network" panel of System Preferences tells me that the cable isn't plugged in, although it IS plugged in -- the jack is damaged. I imagine I can send the computer off to Apple, and they'll likely replace the entire motherboard, or perhaps I can purchase a PCI card. Of course there are 10/100 BaseT cards available for Wintel boxes for $10-$15, but I assume I'll need to install drivers, and of course there won't BE any for the Mac. There's an Asante card for the Mac ($25) listed at Small Dog Electronics, but it says compatibility up to OS X 10.1. I've already tried an AirPort card in this machine, and it didn't work. I have no idea why not. I tried two separate cards; both worked in a TiBook, and neither worked in this box. That was a year ago. So, who has a suggestion for me? Thanks so much, Jim Robertson