[G4] Video cards ??

James Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Mon May 2 15:34:44 PDT 2005

On May 2, 2005, at 5:48 PM, Michael L. Brown wrote:

> Recommend ATI Radeon 7000 PCI, or AGP if you have an AGP slot. Cost 
> about $130 from Other World Computing. Good basic card that drives two 
> monitors.
> Mike

Since everyone is asking:
I have a Radeon 7000 mac edition 32 megs in my 9600 running 10.2.8.
Will that choke on Tiger ?

Or more to the point: Would my AGP Quicksilver 20001 with the Nvidia 
GeForce4mx 32 meg Choke?

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