[G4] Installed Tiger

Marvin Wilson mwilson20 at kc.rr.com
Sun May 15 08:42:14 PDT 2005


I installed the OSX Tiger software on my G4 Dual processor.  When I
installed the software it installed okay and needed to restart the system.
When it restarted there were errors all over the place.  I couldn't get
anywhere.  I finally gave up and can't use OSX software right now. Any ideas
or help would be much appreciated.

Here are the errors on start up:

Panic (cpu 0 caller 0x002DE020): unable to find driver for this platform:
“PowerMac3, 3”.
Latest stack back trace for cpu 0:
Back trace:
0x00095564 0x00095A7C 0x00026838 0x002DE020 0x002BD350 0x002BD118 0x002BDB80
Proceeding back via exception chain:
Exception state (sb=0x01620A00)
PC=0x00000000; MSR=0x0000D030; DAR=0x00000000;  DSISR=0x00000000;
LR=0x00000000;  R1=0x00000000;  XCP=0x00000000  (Unknown)
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 8.0.0: Sat Mar 26 14: 15: 22 PST 2005; rott:
No debugger configured – dumping debug information
MSR = 00001030
Latest stack back trace for cpu 0:
Back trace:
0x00095564 0x00095C64 0x00026838 0x002DE020 0x002BD350 0x002BD118 0x002BDB80
Proceeding back via exception chain:
Exception state (fv=0x01620A00)
PC=0x00000000;  MSR=0x0000D030; DAR=0x00000000;  DSISR=0x00000000;
LR=0x00000000; R1=0x00000000; XCP=0x00000000 (Unknown)
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 8.0.0: Sat Mar 26 14: 15: 22 PST 2005; root:
xnu-792.obj.~ 1/ RELEASE_PPC
Panic: we are hanging here 

In the background this message:  You need to restart your computer.  Hold
down the power button for several seconds or press the restart button.

Thanks!  Marv

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