Tony, You win the award! The clamxAV engine remover did the trick! It let me ditch the clamxav user on my system. For the benefit of other OSX 10.4 users if you logout and see there is a new user on your system called ClamAV, get the Engine remover suggested by Tony. It is the ONLY way you can ditch this user of your Mac. I don't recall ever installing ClamAV (or whatever). From the web page it may have been installed as part of the Fink unix package that goes with Mac X11 that I tried last year. Thanks again Tony, the strange user is history. I just reset the permissions and other good stuff to make sure it is really gone for good. Yes, I searched on clamxav and trashed everything associated. Dick > Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 18:09:16 -0400 > From: Tony Gamble <tgamble180 at> > Subject: Re: [G4] Re: G4 Digest, Vol 9, Issue 23 ? > Dick, > I found this info at the clamXav website FAQ section: > > 15. How do remove clamXav and the associated engine? > First, you must download the Engine Remover. When you unzip it (making > sure to use either OS X 10.3's built-in unzipper or the most recent > Stuffit Expander or similar), double click clamavEngineREMOVER.command. > This will open up the Terminal where you'll be asked to enter your > Admin password. The rest takes care of itself. Finally, drag the > clamXav application from wherever you installed it, to the trash. > > The link for that Engine Remover is > > > Hope that helps. :) > > Tony