[G4] Mirrored Drive Doors block tray on my second optical drive.

Aaron aarons510 at infinex.com
Fri Nov 11 17:21:54 PST 2005

I just installed a Lite-On DVD/CD read/write-everything drive in the lower compartment of the optical disk cage of my recentyly-acquired 867 Dual MDD. When I try to open the tray on that drive, the upper corners of the front of the tray impact against the framework behind the Mirrored Drive Doors (not the door) and, after noisily "trying" to open for a few seconds, "give up" and retreat.

I've noticed that the upper drive (the presumably original "SuperDrive" doesn't have a front panel on the tray, and so fits easily through the space behind the door.

I've examined the drive cage and its mounting, and there doesn't seem to be any easy way to lower the drive(s) a bit relative to the door frame so as to let the tray open.

Can anyone clarify for me what's going on here? Is this problem due to another one of Apple's bad design decisions or did a previous owner do something to mess it up? What can I do about it?

 - Aaron

P.S.: I'm usually at <macuser at aarons.fastmail.fm>, but the fastmail server has suffered a serious breakdown and may not be up for a few days, so I've changed my address temporarily to a backup account.

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