[G4] connect to external firewire drive

Philip J Robar pjrobar at areyoureallythatstupid.org
Wed Oct 12 21:08:42 PDT 2005

On Oct 12, 2005, at 8:38 PM, Harry Freeman wrote:

> Greetings ( + )!( + )
>> On Oct 12, 2005, at 9:17 PM, Gary Willard wrote:
>>> I have an external firewire drive connected to my G4. (OS 10.3.9)  
>>> I connect to my G4 remotely with my powerbook laptop in another  
>>> room in the house via an ethernet router. I have 2 hard drives in  
>>> my G4. When I "connect to server" from the finder of my laptop, I  
>>> can get to my G4, see and connect to both of those internal  
>>> drives. I cannot see or connect to the external firewire drive,  
>>> even though when I physically go to my G4, it is there on the  
>>> desktop. What am I missing? Does that software solution apply to  
>>> this too? Thanks for any help.
> It's not really very hard, Open your System Preferences and select  
> the Sharing folder.
> Select the Service tab if it isn't already selected. Then choose  
> the service that you want to share. Next click the "Personal File  
> Sharing "Start" button.
> Next select the Firewall tab and click the "Start" button to tell  
> the firewall to allow access from the outside world.

He's already done that or he wouldn't be able to see the two internal  
drives. The problem is that the non-server version of OS X doesn't  
give you any control over what is shared. All it gives you is an on/ 
off switch. SharePoints overcomes this limitation.

There's no need to turn the firewall on for sharing to work. You only  
need to allow sharing if the firewall is on.


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