Wilton, I was away from the list for a couple days updating my daughter's laptop. Not sure what your execution errors indicate. Check the log window and see what it indicates as the errors, then consult ECM's online FAQ. Calling them costs money unless you have the latest version of Retrospect. And even then the calls are limited according to your purchase plan. Keeping up to date with Retrospect is a another whole story, is expensive and subject of much gnashing and wailing on the on-line forums. Two times I have received execution errors were when, 1) I had an grunged file, back under Mac OS9 or, 2) was not using the version of Retrospect compatible with the OS version. In the case of grunged files. I used Disk Warrior to create a new directory then repeated the backup and all was fine. Under OS 10.4 I would still use DiskWarrior to repair the directory and then TechTool Pro 4 to optimize the disk. Takes a long time but seems to speed up disk operation. If you don't have those utilities, use The Apple Disk Utility that came with Tiger verify the drive, then booting from the System disk, use Disk Utility to repair the disk. If the problem is the version of Retrospect you are using then you will have to upgrade to Retrospect Backup 6.1, or use another program such as Disk Utility or Carbon Copy Cloner 2.3 to clone your disk to the back up drive. You will not be able to incrementally backup easily but will have a faithful archive copy which you can recover what you need. Mike >Hello Michael, > I'm asking a question again. I asked it before but you may have missed it. >When I completred the backup, I was left with a note that said "14 >execution errors" >What should I do at this point? >Thanks > >Wilton > >>Michael L. Brown wrote: >> >>>Wilton, open Retrospect ExpressX as you did before. At the main >>>window select the "Backup" button. Then select the Destinaion >>>Button. You will then see a window asking which Backup Set you >>>want to use. Select "New". That will bring you to a window titled >>>"Backup Set Creation". Set the file type selection from "Removable >>>Disk" to "File". The next window will ask you where you want to >>>save that file. Select your external hard drive, and that should >>>do it. >>> >>>I found that if you backed out of the program at that stage, it >>>will still be set to "File" the next time. >>> >>>Good Luck. >>> >>Thanks a lot Mchael. Your instructions worked perfectly. >>When everything was completed I was left with a note that said "14 >>execution errors?" >>Do i do anything? >>Thanks >> >>Wilton -- Almost never pointless.