On 27/10/2005 8:07 AM, "Jay E. Krauss, Jr." <jekrauss at charter.net> wrote: > You may wish to try Opera 8.5, a (now) free download from > www.opera.com. In the Menu Bar under the "O" is a Quick Preference > submenu in which you can chose to have the browser identify itself as > Opera, Mozilla, or Internet Explorer. Sarari does this too, but its hidden in a developer part of Safari not usually visible. David Pogues excellent OS X The Missing Manual has the info on pages 646 and 647. In a nut shell use the Terminal command defaults write com.apple.Safari IncludeDebugMenu 1 Perhaps less intimidating is to download 'Safari Enhancer' which is a free program available on the 'Missing CD' page at http://www.missingmanuals.com The program has a simple checkbox option for turning Debug on and off When Debug menu appears in the menu bar select Debug>user agent>MacMSIE5.22 which unfortunately (whether using Opera or Safari) is the latest possible. That is the price we paid to get Safari in the first place. I solved these dilemmas by buying a $200 old PC and put it on the LAN, for those odd times when only a PC will do. This has the added advantage of reminding me each time I use it just how good OS X really is :-) Tony http://tonyjohansen.com A Life Of Art