On Apr 15, 2006, at 10:38 AM, Thomas J. Fobia wrote: > Thanks Doug for your comments. Ive just tried to use > "reader.greatnowhere.com" as a server address but MT doesnt like > it. Im getting a network error when I tried (bad protocol:the > addresse's format is bad). Im also not getting connected for > "authentication" problems. Under any of my current email addresses > MT cant (or wont) connect to the news-server . Ive even had one of > the email > passwords changed just in case I screwed something up. The new > password still wont let Mt connect. As far as a free news server > address that might work with MT NewsWatcher, would you have any > suggestions as to how I might override my TW server using MT? The > reader.greatnowhere.com doesent work, maybe you have a news server > NNTP that might work temporarily? Thanks for > your response and time! > Tom You might try some of the ones listed here to see if any work for you. http://www.geocities.com/soho/studios/9594/public.htm Just a message from Doug...