[G4] Roadrunner Newsgroups & MT Newswatcher

Ron Michael ronmichael at gmail.com
Sun Apr 16 17:58:11 PDT 2006

Thomas and all-
I haven't really been following this thread so my info may not apply. 
Most Time Warner Roadrunner news servers are pretty much the same. My 
server address in Memphis is news-server.midsouth.rr.com. Note that one 
is a dash (-) and the others are periods (.)Don't know where you are 
but yours might be news-server.columbus.rr.com or something similar. 
You might also try trashing the "plist" file that is associated with 
NewsWatcher. And the prefs--Mine is
in the Users/Library/Preferences folder
I've also had luck by pasting the entire error message you've been 
getting into Google and checking the results. My philosphy has always 
been if I'm having an error problem; someone else in the US or World 
has had the same problem at one time.

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