[G4] Re: Backup Strategy for G4 to Ext Dive

Philip J Robar philip.robar at gmail.com
Fri Aug 18 03:44:43 PDT 2006

On Aug 18, 2006, at 3:26 AM, Richard M. Kriss wrote:

> I was shocked at sluggish speed of the USB interface.
> Really slow and almost useless.

Apple's USB (and some of the G5 Firewire) implementations are quite  
poor. This is well documented via benchmarks at sites like  
barefeats.com. I've never found (but haven't really looked either) an  
explanation for why this is. USB 2.0 works much better under Windows  
- don't know about Linux. (Interestingly enough Windows sometimes  
cripples Firewire to ensure compatibility. You have to tweak registry  
settings to get full performance.)

That being said, when I found USB 2.0 cases for $10 after rebate I  
decided I could live with slow backups.


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