Buy a new scanner. Umax stopped supporting all their scanners about 7 years ago - as soon as their licensing ran out. The biggest problem with the scanner is not the SCSI connection, but rather the lack of drivers. The SCSI card is about $60 - $70 but the scanner driver (VueScan) is another $50 - $90. A new USB scanner is only $60 - $80 and there are probably some that are even cheaper - look for a sale. Sounds ridiculous because your Umax scanner would last another 20 years, but with absolutely no support from the manufacturer it is useless. I will never personally deal with Umax again, as they totally abandoned the Mac market and their customers the moment they could no longer sell new hardware. They had an interest only for the fast money. jj On 11-Feb-06, at 4:41 PM, g4-request at wrote: > > Greetings all- > I have a UMAX scanner S-12 I use for simple line art > and photos. It was originally hooked to my MAC 8600 > which I have now retired and given to my son. Is there > a way to hook this scanner to my G4 466 with > accelerated processor running at 1.33 ghz on OS 10.4.4 > and use it without hardware problems? I have heard > that using a SCSI adapter card can create all kinds of > problems. Other than buying another scanner, is there > another way to do this or if a SCSI adapter card is > possible-what would you suggest? And if I have to buy > another scanner, what can you suggest that will do a > good job but not break the bank? Thanks