[G4] Ibook Ethernet Connection

Russell russells at strodtbeck.org
Thu Feb 16 10:11:00 PST 2006

I am   working with a ibook G4 1.2 ghz. 256 ram OS 10.3.9 with an 
airport card.. Airport card works when around a wireless source.. 
However, I can not get it to connect to my network with a router on 

  I have a Desktop G4 400 mhz, and a PC connected and they work fine. I 
have tried everything that I can think of , setting a fix IP, file 
sharing is off, firewall is  off and tried with it on and the browser 
keeps telling me cannot find server. The settings are the same as my 
Desktop G4 also on OS 10.3.9

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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