[G4] Wireless Problem

Russell russells at strodtbeck.org
Wed Jan 11 09:17:40 PST 2006

I helping a friend set up a wireless router D-Link DI-524 to be used 
with his Laptop G4 1.8 ghz 15 " with built in airport card. He has a G5 
Flat monitor which is hard wired to the router.
I have been able to get the G5 to connect to the internet through the 
router but then it drops off and will not connect again. The Laptop 
sees the router but keeping getting message that computer is not 
connected to the network. I have tried manual IP addressing, automatic 
and nothing seems to work. These computers are running Tiger 10.4.3. I 
bought the router to my place and connected to my DSL and my Mac G4 400 
and my PC XP both connect and work fine. I am not using a Motorola PCI  
card in the G4 and a Linksys in the PC. My search on the internet 
indicates that others have had the same problem with this router. I 
also found it difficult to even access the router software where at my 
place no problem.

If anyone on the list has used this router successfully with Tiger OS 
or would he be better off getting Apple Base Station and have all apple 
wireless system.

Thanks for any suggestion or help


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