[G4] Re: trouble repairing permissions

bofus? bofus at mindspring.com
Thu Jan 12 17:55:22 PST 2006


	I had this problem too and traced it down to itunes 6.0.2 cuz 
when I removed it and re-installed itunes 6.0.1 everything was fine. 
another try at itunes 6.0.2 resulted in the same problem ("lost a 
connection w/the disk management tool" when trying to repair 
permissions) so I again went back to itunes 6.0.1 and am staying w/it 
'til there's a fix. I'm running a mac os x 10.3.9 on a g4 sawtooth 
w/a 1.3ghz gigadesign cpu upgrade.

	apple forum thread here:


	itunes 6.0.1. and older here:


	http://xlr8yourmac.com has stuff on it too in yesterday 
(wednesday's) news. so does macfixit:


		on bass, mike watt


>Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 18:07:49 -0600
>From: Richard Smallwood <smally at knology.net>
>Subject: [G4] trouble repairing permissions
>Message-ID: <f30fa8e35c2292de8b495bab23a7e854 at knology.net>
>I have a G-4 MDD running 10.3.9.
>Yesterday, after downloading the iTune and Quicktime updates, I noticed
>that "Super Duper" was "hung-up" attempting to run repair permissions.
>That is to say, it kept running for over 30 minutes without advancing
>to the next step.
>I stopped "Super Duper" and tried running "Applejack" and it would not
>complete the repair permissions stage, it would get about halfway
>through and then start over again. This went on for a half hour before
>I stopped it.
>I tried using "Disk Repair utility" from a backup disk and about
>halfway through the "Repair Permission" phase it would throw up a
>screen that says "Disk Utility Internal Error" no longer in
>communication with the Disk Management Tool. Restarting the utility.
>caused the same thing to occur.
>I used Disk Warrior 3.0.3 on the HD and it found some small errors,
>repairing them did not change a thing.
>So I'm throwing this to the list for any advice/help/sympathy.

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