[G4] Word Processor for G4 running OS X

Tim Collier collierof1957 at mac.com
Mon Jul 3 06:10:33 PDT 2006

Ron, if he's switching to a G5, Appleworks doesn't come on it.  It  
only came on the consumer Macs (iBook and iMac).  So, unless he  
already has it, that's not an option unless he wants to pick up a  
copy on the swap list or ebay (gasp!).  I don't think Apple sells it  
anymore as they replaced it with iWork.

On Jul 2, 2006, at 6:39 PM, Ronald Steinke wrote:

> On 2 July, 2006, at 3:31:23, ProbaleCause at aol.com wrote:
>> I know Microsoft Word is out there and Nicus as well, but what is  
>> the optimum one?
> If you don't want to spend big bucks, stick with AppleWorks. It  
> will read and save as Word if you need it to.
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Tim Collier

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