[G4] New Member - G4 Dual 867 MDD in shipment ... be kind, FedEx!

Dave March dkmnow at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 11 01:57:34 PDT 2006


I'm Dave, in Springfield, Missouri, sad owner of
what's left of a G3 400 iMac DV/SE Graphite (first
flagship of the slot-load series).  The vid/pwr/analog
board died, so I had to scrap the whole monitor
section and run the logic board on a jury-rigged ATX
power supply.  Quite a trick - seemed to work very
well, too, but only for a couple of months.  Something
finally died on the logic board that was beyond my
troubleshooting skills.

So now, I'm impatiently awaiting my newused G4 Dual
867 MDD from MegaMacs.com.  I'm expecting it within
the next day, but so far, my order has been fraught
with just about every possible complication, so I'm a
tad shell-shocked at the moment.  I've done my
homework, and then some -- the only thing I'm not
prepared for is the possibility of having to fight
with FedEx over damaged goods.  If it arrives on time,
in good working order, I think the first thing I'll
want to do is take a nap!

Just one thing for now ... the vendor's page says this
MDD (non-FW800, so it's dual-boot) requires a special
install for OS 9, but I haven't seen any reference to
this on the web.  I've got the last standard-issue OS
9.2 cd, and copies of the final 9.2.2 update.  Does
anyone here know if I can use these in some way (or
the usual way) for a successful install on the MDD, or
would I have to buy a special disc?  The machine is
supposed to be coming pre-loaded with 9.2 and 10.3,
but I've got a new HD and a fresh copy of Tiger ready
to install (oh, and a superdrive, hee), so the HD they
send will likely go on the shelf as an emergency
backup.  But I'd still like to stay dual-boot if I can
run OS 9 with the install packages I have on hand.

Oh, and can I slap my old v.90 modem in there if by
chance the MDD arrives without the standard v.92
modem?  Does the "filter" do anything critical, or can
it be bypassed without too much trouble?  The iMac
modem is the same p/n as the older G4 modems, but
doesn't have a filter connector -- just the phone jack
mounted right on the modem card.  If the filter is
just a sheilded cable with one of those ferrite
cylinders and a jack, that'll be nuthin' ... but if
the 90 and 92 are different animals, I might be toast.
 If you don't hear from me ...  :-p

Well, none of this is urgent (yet/if), but any passing
thoughts would be welcome.

Thanks.  :-)

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