[G4] New Member - G4 Dual 867 MDD in shipment ... be kind, FedEx!

Dave March dkmnow at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 11 10:36:03 PDT 2006

--- Rick Smykla <rsmykla at verizon.net> wrote:

> Dave,
> Why not just add your new HD to the box, install a
> fresh copy of OS X  
> on it, and wipe the previous drive of everything but
> the supplied  
> OS9? It's preferable to have OS9 on a separate
> volume anyway, IMHO.
> Good luck,
> RIck

True enough.  But then, my usage isn't really
intensive enough to be running multiple drives all the
time.  Being dirt-poor, I have to keep them alive as
long as possible, so I prefer to have additional
drives disconnected when not in use.  I may experiment
with using some of my older/smaller drives on the
ATA-66 side just for temporary on-the-fly file
backups, but I expect I'll be keeping most of my
bigger/newer drives on moth balls for later.  Also, I
might need the second ATA-100 drive bay space when I
start experimenting with airflow/cooling mods.  Dunno

My experience with multiple volumes was all on the
iMac, so I'm not up to speed on all of that.  Having
all the resources of a PowerMac will change things
considerably, so I have no idea yet what sort of
storage configuration I'll settle on.  Time will tell.


> On Jul 11, 2006, at 4:57 AM, Dave March wrote:
> > Hiyas,
> >
> > I'm Dave, in Springfield, Missouri, sad owner of
> > . . .
> > The machine is
> > supposed to be coming pre-loaded with 9.2 and
> 10.3,
> > but I've got a new HD and a fresh copy of Tiger
> ready
> > to install (oh, and a superdrive, hee), so the HD
> they
> > send will likely go on the shelf as an emergency
> > backup.  But I'd still like to stay dual-boot if I
> can
> > run OS 9 with the install packages I have on hand.

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