[G4] english

cerebus DaPope cerebusdapope at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 3 14:48:35 PDT 2006

unfortunatly no,
i'm going t send it to a friend whos more of a mac head then me
he's going to try to set it up correctly
again my system is as follows
a g4 digital audio
a western digital 80gb hard drive (formaly on a hp pc)
i was trying to install os9 (because i dont have an apple dvd drive to use on this system , or a portable dvd drive to install osx)
before the disk is installed the system goes to a screen with a flashing folder with a macish face in it and a question mark
after reasearch i deduced that it is looking for its operating system (or words to that effect)
with the os9 disk installed, the computer screen flashes grey then goes black
i have a usb keyboard attached (non-apple) this is tottaly unresponsive (i.e. pressing and holding down x on boot up does nothing)
the drve reads the disk, and SOMETHING SEEMS TO HPPEN disk wise, but nothing registers
note if i try to power off via the power bbutton on my cinima screen or the front the power button pulsates
when the machine is open the drive seems to spin up as well
after that i am lost as to what to do
the only option i have is to send it to my mac friend.
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