[G4] OT: Ergonomic Chairs

Anne Keller-Smith earthpigz at earthlink.net
Tue Mar 7 07:44:23 PST 2006

Thanks to all who have entered this discussion about chairs and backs! 
Jay mentioned depth of the seat for petite folk and I had not thought 
about that altho I'm sure that's why I have a small hard pillow tied to 
my cheap chair. Richard mentioned it is the complete setup and I think 
that's very important. I have a script for the physical therapist here 
in town and I will try to get her to come out and critique my setup. 
Thanks Bob and Fabian for your suggestion about Aeron and others. Al 
mentioned the transition lenses, which frankly I've never gotten used 
to, and the "spot" where my vision clears requires me to bend my neck, 
as optometrist David Crandon mentions. Thanks to David for a wonderful 
essay on the visual aspects of this. I am doing better just without 
glasses, sitting close enough to the screen for clear vision and with 
the keyboard raised so my forearms are 90 degrees in re my arms. I may 
still need computer glasses, wonder if I can get these at Walmart. My 
ophthalmologist feels the reading glasses will not work for me because 
I need a minus prescription and these are a plus. I love my optometrist 
but have just spent $250 for the main glasses (which I really needed!!! 
Might have been part of the trouble!!!) and would have to spend more or 
less the same for the computer glasses as I don't have old frames. 
Maybe buy at Walmart, check script with ophthalmologist, if not correct 
script let optometrist put script in Walmart frames. Don't have to be 
cute, just work.

Or just suck in the extra cost, as a service to humanity? (Try only to 
go to Walmart when I am desperate, like twice a year!)

Al mentioned exercise. I am swimming twice a week and doing yoga on the 
other days. I felt much better before Xmas and then sprained my ankle 
and didn't get as much exercise as I needed (that ankle is still kinda 
sore). I probably need to do MORE exercise, it really does help.

Thanks to you all - I'll let you know what works - it's prolly a combo 
of factors and once I get them all working in tandem I'll have real 

Anne Keller Smith
Down to Earth Web Design
mailto:earthpigz at earthlink.net

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