[G4] Caches

Jones Earle earle.jones at comcast.net
Tue Mar 7 13:54:09 PST 2006

On Mar 7, 2006, at 4:30 AM, Dan A Currie wrote:

> Hello All,
> I am running Tiger on my MDD dualie and want to do some housework.
> Which caches do I throw away entirely so a new folder will be  
> created ... and which do I empty leaving the folder behind to be  
> filled again?
> Dan Currie

Dan:  Under Tiger, you can run 'Cocktail' or 'Onyx', which will do  
all of that for you.  I use 'Cocktail' which goes through its routine  
every night -- cleaning caches, etc.  You can set exactly which tasks  
are run:  'clean caches', 'run cron scripts', 'delete all rotated log  
files', 'repair disk permissions', etc.

These are free or cheapo shareware programs.


Go to 'Version Tracker' for reviews of these programs.

Good luck!

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