go to Versiontracker.com and download "applejack" (it's free). Install it, and re-start, holding down CMD-S (puts you in single user mode). When all the gorp stops printing on your screen, enter "applejack auto restart" for a multi-aspect housecleaning, or "applejack AUTO restart" for a DEEP housecleaning (which will, among other things, remove the pictures you may have inserted on your startup icons if you have passworded your account). Do this about once a week. It is absolutely AMAZING. (Note that you can do all the housecleaning manually with a number of other utilities like Onyx or Cocktail or MacJanitor--I have them all--but applejack is just so simple to use that it is my default.) --Steve At 7:27 PM +0000 3/9/06, dapper dan wrote: >my g4 867 powerbook is running at half the speed it was when i bought it 6 monthes ago.i have more stuff on my hard drive but i doubled memory to 512 mb.any ideas on maintanence i can do to get improved performance?