Good Afternoon, My company is selling off some of there older G4's. I thought I would give you guys first dips on these systems before they go on Craigslist. My company is located in San Francisco. Local Pickup preferred. There are four G4's available. Here are the systems specs. I promise they all work. I'm the IT guy, and I made sure they were all functional. All systems are sold as is. Contact me at aaron at for more information. 500 MHz G4 Tower AGP Graphics 1x 16MB Video Card DVI / VGA 1 GB of Ram Plextor CD Burner CD-R 16X 40 GB Boot ATA Drive Internal SCSI card with two SCSI Drives 20 GB / 36 GB System 9.2.2 / 10.1.5 Apple Keyboard and Mouse 19" Sony Monitor $350 450 MHz G4 Tower AGP Graphics 1x Video Card DVI / VGA 1.5 GB of Ram Yamaha CD-RW 16x Burner (Gray Bezel door is missing) 2 20 GB ATA Drives USB / Firewire PCI card. 3 Additional USB Ports, 2 Firewire System 9.2.2 / 10.1.5 Apple Keyboard and Mouse 17" Sony Monitor $350 500 MHz G4 Tower AGP Graphics 1x 16MB Video Card DVI / VGA 1 GB of Ram DVD RAM Drive 30 GB ATA Boot Drive Zip 100 Drive System 9.2.2 Apple iMac Keyboard and Mouse (red) 17" Sony Monitor $250 500 MHz G4 Tower AGP Graphics 1x 16MB Video Card DVI / VGA 1 GB of Ram DVD Ram Drive 28 GB ATA Boot Drive Zip 100 Drive System 9.2.2 Apple iMac Keyboard and Mouse (green) 17" Sony Monitor $250 Thanks. -- Aaron Willems aaron at Spreading the Good Word about Today's Macintosh.