[G4] Best program for DVD burning

James Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Tue Mar 21 16:32:24 PST 2006

On Mar 21, 2006, at 5:59 PM, Aaron Willems wrote:

> I use Roxio Toast to burn all my DVD's. In my opinion it's a must have
> program for the Mac.

Use iDVD to create a disc image and Roxio Toast to burn your copies.
Get iLife '05 and save yourself some heartache.

>> Hello,
>> Thanks to all who offered suggestions for setting up my G4 AGP. I  
>> am up
>> and running and am ready to burn DVDs. What programs do you  
>> recommend?
>> I am running OS 10.3.9 and OS classic. Should I get ILife 05 or  
>> move up
>> to Tiger and iLife 06. Any suggestions from those more experienced
>> would be greatly appreciated.
>> Sincerely
>> Rob Walker

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