[G4] Pioneer 111D

Kevin Brocker blogbrewer at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 22 12:20:40 PST 2006

I recently installed a Pioneer DVD 110D and it works
great. It's a lot quieter than my original CD Burner
that came with the machine (Sony).

--- Davis Gaffga <dgaffga at optonline.net> wrote:

> I would like to add a DVD R/W drive to my
> QuickSilver 733 MHz PowerPC 
> G4. I am running OSX 10.3.9 with 1.25 GB SDRAM. I am
> thinking of 
> replacing the internal CD drive which came with the
> machine and 
> replacing it with the Pioneer 111DVD±R DVD Burner.
> Is this the right 
> thing to do? Will it work with what I now have? Will
> my system 
> recognize it? Is there something else I may have to
> do or purchase? Is 
> there a better way?
> The reason I am asking these questions is that I did
> purchase a Fantom 
> DVD RW and it rarely works! It burns DVDs okay but
> has problems reading 
> them after it burns them (I keep getting Disk Error
> messages when it 
> tries to read even though I can take the DVD to
> other machines and have 
> no problems). I have returned the unit to Fantom and
> their tech dept. 
> claims they can find nothing wrong even though the
> problem still 
> exists. I am about to throw the Fantom unit out!!
> Any advice will be most appreciated.
>    Davis..
> davis a. gaffga • photographer
> 7 koral drive
> p.o. box 750
> southampton, ny  11969-0750
> phone & fax :  631-283-9010
> www.davisgaffga.com
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