[G4] hard drive questions

Aaron macuser at aarons.fastmail.fm
Wed May 17 12:59:07 PDT 2006

> From: "dapper dan" <dapperdan7 at hotmail.com>
>Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 18:18:54 +0000
>so i wish to have a bigger hard drive for my powerbook g4 867 laptop.a few
>1.external or internal.which is best and most cost efficient?

If you're only going to use it for backups and for files you don't need to carry around with you, I'd say external. Laptop  hard drives are much more expensive than the regular ones that fit in an external case.

>im going to use
>music applications.best brands and places to buy online.
>2.if i buy external and im running 0s 9.2.8 on internal and have os 10
>cds,do i need to upgrade op system on both drives?

You don't need _any_ OS on the external drive unless you want to be able to boot from it. It should be formatted HFS+ unless you're planning to use it on a Windows or Linux machine as well!

Re: "0s 9.2.8": I haven't come across any version of OS 9 beyond 9.2.2. Have I just been sleeping, or is this an error?

>3.also,best place (and brands) to buy memory and batteries.
>thanx much

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