Hi Again, Well, I zeroed my disk, reinstalled 10.4 with os9 drivers, and it still will not boot from os9 cd, I'm at a loss. Thanks to all of you who offered your thoughts, I wish I could remember what I had to do to make it work last time. Thanks again, Bob On 5/19/06 1:40 PM, "John Wilson" <wilsonjohn at mac.com> wrote: > Bob, IIRC, the reason you can't get it to boot into OS 9, even from the > installation disk, is that your current drive lacks the disk driver (a piece > of very low-level software) for OS 9. If you recall, when you formatted your > drive, you were given the option of installing OS 9 drivers. It even tells you > that if you fail to do so, you'll never be able to boot this disk in OS 9. > You'll probably have to clone your current drive to an external firewire > drive, boot from the external, then re-format your current drive, this time > allowing it to install OS 9 drivers. Good luck. John > > On Thursday, May 18, 2006, at 10:52PM, Bob Schmidt <bob58523 at charter.net> > wrote: