[G4] Help needed on G4 after power surge

tommylaws1 at cox.net tommylaws1 at cox.net
Wed May 31 08:04:27 PDT 2006

I have a G4 AGP, with 850+gig ram, an internal 40gigHD and external 300gigHD running 10.4 Tiger and connected to a 24" Dell monitor.  The entire system was supposedly protected by a power surge connector.  Until this morning, when a 5 sec power outage occurred, the Mac ran perfectly however, after this power outage, the Mac apparently isn't outputting any video, although it appears that the machine is coming on, green lights flashing on the super-drive, etc.
I have tried everything I know, restarts, checking input modes on the monitor...nothing.  All I get from the monitor is that there is no composite video input.
Any ideas appreciated.

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