[G4] Thanks for your response re: serial port

Ernest Vincent Pons-Worley eponsworley at mac.com
Tue Oct 17 18:30:37 PDT 2006

Thanks for the info Steve.  I did check that the PCI card was Mac- 
compatible before I bought it.  The system profiler sees it.  I'm  
just trying to figure out how to access it from the command line.   
The Stealth Serial Port is interesting, but I wanted a 9-pin  
connector.  I'm sure this works, I just need to figure out how what  
the equivalent of "com1" is on Darwin.


> << I recently bought a PCI card to add a 9 pin serial port on a Power
> Mac G4 (AGP Graphics) dual 450 MHz, 960 MB SDRAM computer.  Does
> anyone here know how to access the serial port from the command
> line?  I'm thinking maybe it's ttys1, but I'm not sure.  (On a PC it
> would be com1).
> I'm tying to use ckermit to connect to a 1992-vintage HP 95LX.
> Thanks,
> Ernest >>
> Is the card Mac supported? I know GeeThree makes something called a  
> Stealth
> Serial Port:
> http://www.geethree.com/stealth/index.html
> I havean HP95LX myself, and used to connect to it in OS9. You might  
> check
> with them if you can't get your card to work.
> STeve

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