[G4] Installing Tiger with Panther

James Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Sun Oct 22 10:19:08 PDT 2006

On Oct 22, 2006, at 1:02 PM, Carol wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I am ready to take the plunge and buy/install Tiger.
> I have Panther already running.  What I want to do is to be able to  
> boot from Panther or Tiger.
> My plan is to install Tiger on separate partition or even a  
> separate hard drive.  I assume that if I just use the 'Archive and  
> Install' option, I would lose the ability to boot from Panther.

If you have an open harddrive to do it on, you can "clone" panther to  
it and then just install Tiger on top of it. It will retain all of  
your goodies without the archive option.
On my other machine I have the reverse, a Tiger booting machine with  
a second drive devoted to panther due to a certain piece of hardware  
that fails under Tiger.
I am not much on partitions.

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