On 10/22/06, Aaron <macuser at aarons.fastmail.fm> wrote: > > I'm presently running 10.4.6 on my G4 Dual MDD 867. I remember there was some >reason -- preblems I read about -- for not upgrading to 10.4.7.. What about >10.4.8? Does it introduce any problems? > > If it matters, I have a couple of ATA cards (133 and 66) and a USB 2.0 card >installed. Get an external, bootable, FireWire HD, clone (using Carbon Copy Cloner, SuperDuper!, etc.) your current installation to it, boot into it, and verify that it's a good clone of your original, and install the updates onto the clone. If you properly prepare for the update, you should have no problems. If you do, erase the clone, reclone, and fix the problems. Most, if not all problems, occur when people don't prepare properly. See <http://www.apple.com/support/tiger/install/>, <http://www.macmaps.com/upgradefaq.html> and <http://www.thexlab.com/faqs/installswupdates.html> for guidelines. FWIW, I've beta-tested the Tiger updates and have had no problems with them on my G4, 450 MP.